Promos & Discounts
For the most up to date promotions, check out the 'Promos' tab on the app.
At this time, the promotion is applied to the first ride only. If you are renting 4 scooters, 4 different accounts will be required.
For the promotions for a timed ride: you MUST complete the entire ride in one rental. If you end the ride, the promotion ends with it.
eg. - You purchase a 4 hour rental at a discounted rate. You ride for 2.5 hours and end your ride at a nest. Your 4 hour rental promotion will have concluded.
Instead - If you are going to go back out on the scooter, pause your ride. Your time will resume, but you still have access to the scooter.
Did you enjoy your ride? Leave us a great review and receive a $10 wallet credit for more riding.
Something we need to improve on? Contact us and let us know. We appreciate all of your feedback.